
There are different types of essays:

  • Persuasive - convince the reader. Present both sides of the argument but provide evidence and reasoning as to why one side is correct.

  • Comparative - Often the essay question will use terms like "compare and contrast".

  • Descriptive - paint a picture with your words! Communicate meaning and emotion through description

Have a look at these websites for more useful tips:

Essay Scaffold

Essay Structure

Hamburger Essays:

An essay is just like a hamburger...

Introduction (top bun):

Answer the question as a statement

Briefly explain your three main points

Body Paragraph One (lettuce):

Write a TEEEC paragraph about your first main point

Link to your second main point

Body Paragraph Two (tomato):

Write a TEEEC paragraph about your second main point

Link to your third main point

Body Paragraph Three (meat):

Write a TEEEC paragraph about your third main point

Conclusion (bottom bun):

Restate each of your three main points

Sum up your response with a strong, convincing statement which answers your question.

Reasons why an essay is like a hamburger:

· You need to have a recipe (plan)

· You can choose the main ingredients (key points)

· You can have 2, 3 or 4 ingredients (paragraphs)

· If you don’t have a bottom bun (conclusion) your hamburger falls apart

· The top and bottom buns (introduction and conclusion) are made of the same dough but are different shapes (same information but in slightly different formats)

· You have to make it to suit the person eating it

· There are many layers but they all link together

· You put the meaty bit (the strongest key point) on the bottom (last paragraph)

Things to leave out (the pickles):

  • informal language (eg. There was this chick called Juliet)

  • text speak (eg. ur, btw)

  • contractions (eg. don't, can't)

  • writing in the first person (eg. I am going to write about the industrial revolution)


Creator of the original concept of the Hamburger Essay template is unknown.

Helpful resources:

ESSAY PLANNER Industrial Revolution
Example English Essay (1).pdf