
What is a journal?

A journal is a written record of your thoughts, experiences, and observations. A journal is also a great mechanism to use for self and group evaluation and analysis. A journal's purpose is to enhance your learning experience through a process of writing and thinking about your new knowledge gained. Your journal is personal to you and should reflect your personality, preferences and ideas.

When do you use journals?

You can use a journal at anytime to build up a collection of notes, observations, thoughts, ideas or to simply reflect or plan for a specific project. Some classes require you to keep a journal to record your personal study/work practice.

What do you need to include in a journal entry?

You could include the following in a journal entry:

  • class notes

  • planning information

  • process notes

  • reflections and evaluations of your/the group's work .

  • your journal may be an important tool in helping your teacher to assess your progress in the subject so make sure it includes important information.

  • Journals are concerned, not just with what you do in class, but with what you learn from what you do.

  • The real value in keeping a journal lies in the help it can give you. Whilst you are actually involved in class activities, you are acquiring a whole range of experiences and skills without really being aware of it. It is only when you sit down to describe the work you have done and plan future work that you are able to crystalise your knowledge and understanding. It is simply a matter of using the journal to make sense of what you are learning now, and then using this knowledge to improve your work.

Tips and hints for writing a good journal entry:

  • Add a date to your entry. This helps with context.

  • It is fine to add images, sketches, graphs or other visual aids to reflect your thoughts.

  • Add some colour; it can help to group similar ideas together.

Paper or Online?

Your journal can be either a physical hard version or an electronic one that you can access on your device.