Brennan Proud

The Life and Legacy of Madeleine Brennan

By Lucas Alvear

Ebrooklyn media/file photo by Denise Romano. Madeleine Brennan in 2013.

If success is measured by the number of lives someone touches, then former principal of I.S. 201 Madeleine Brennan ranks with the greats. Mrs. Brennan has had the most profound impact on staff and students in Dyker Heights history. Ask anyone in the Dyker Heights area, and they are sure to know her name and have a story about her to tell. It is no surprise, then, that our school is being renamed in honor of Mrs. Brennan–one of the most influential educational leaders New York City has ever seen.

Mrs. Brennan began her career in 1946 as a school teacher, a position that she held for 17 years. She soon became an assistant principal at a school in Queens Village. Then, in 1963, she was hired as principal of P.S. 201, and given the job of transforming the struggling elementary school into a junior high school. This was a new approach at the time since there weren’t many female principals in New York City. Not only was she able to accomplish this task successfully, but she also led the school through many other challenging times. For example, the city's budget cuts in 1970 made it difficult to keep the art programs, but Mrs. Brennan felt strongly that they were important to students' education. She was able to cover all of the costs of these classes and keep the programs running strong.

Mrs. Brennan was a strong, steady leader, who became well-known for sticking to the rules, as well as a mentor and role model to staff and students. She enforced the rules around the school, but also made everyone feel like she was there to guide and support them. She insisted that students arrive on time and were well-behaved in the hallways and classrooms, and was known for encouraging teachers to dress professionally. Mrs. Brennan recognized that small things can also make a big difference.

During her time at Dyker, Mrs. Brennan created a school band, a yearbook, and an honor society. She was also the president of The New York Academy of Public Education and the New York City Middle School Principals Association. Mrs. Brennan’s career as a principal lasted for an impressive 50 years, until her retirement in 2013. She is also known for being the longest serving principal in New York City, and, by some accounts, the longest serving principal in the history of the United States. Although her retirement was a sad day for many, and marked the end of an era, it was also a moment of celebration for a person who devoted her life to serving others. She was recognized for her accomplishments and service by the Mayor of New York City, the Governor of New York State, the Borough President of Brooklyn, and was celebrated by Dyker's staff and students reflecting just how much she was loved and appreciated.

Sadly, Mrs. Brennan passed away on April 9th, 2020 at the age of 93, but her legacy lives on. In her honor, Dyker Heights Intermediate School will now be known as the Madeline Brennan School. Despite being small in stature, Mrs. Brennan was larger than life, and her presence will always be felt in the halls of our school and our neighborhood she so deeply loved.

Pajama Day!

By Aisha Mandour 636

This is my first year at The Madeline Brennan School and it's my first time celebrating pajama day here at I.S. 201!

To be honest, I have never seen so many people in pajamas on a day like this. It really brought everyones amazing school spirit! I love how people dressed up in their favorite pj's for this really special day! There were friend groups walking in the halls, matching or standing out in all sorts of different onesies and make this day even more amazing! Even our AVID class 752 hosted a bake sale with cupcakes, cookies, etc. This day was a wonderful, unforgettable time!

IS 201 really did an amazing job at bringing school spirit!


Clubs in Dyker

Contact the instructor of a club if you are interested in joining!

Tae-Kwon-Do Club

with Mr. S. McCauley

Dyker Heights offers an introduction to the Korean form of martial-arts, Tae-Kwon-Do, where students learn the basic physical and mental knowledge of the sport. The students in the group, led by Mr. Sean McCauley, meet together as a whole every Friday in the Auditorium. You may join with ZERO experience, and withdraw at the end of the day with more self-confidence than ever before.


with Mr. Colasuonno

This club is a place where you cover the fundamentals of coding and get a sense of modern technology. You learn what robots are and how to create and design them with LEGOS.

Living Environment

with Mr. Colasuonno

Living Environment is an after school program that prepares 8th grade students for the upcoming regents exam and high school curriculum.


with Ms. Pizzarello

In the Art Club, you learn the different techniques of art and the history of art. This is a club where you get to use your imagination to create a variety of wonderful masterpieces.

Digital Newspaper

with Ms. Veeramah, Mr. DiMitri, Mrs. Coan, Ms. Cusick, Mr. McCauley, Ms. Puglionisi

In the Newspaper Club, you write newspaper articles about many different events including reviews about certain things or current events. You can also use your knowledge to write different articles about certain events.

Click the permission slip google form link to join!

Digital Newspaper Permission Slip

Seal Team

with Mrs. Koutsopetras &

Ms. Pizzarello

The SEAL Team, which means “Social Emotional Awareness Leadership” team is a team of students from the 8th grade who mostly write on a monthly account on things that improve emotional and physical behavior. In addition, they go on the announcements every Friday, singing the SEAL Team cheer and talking about how the week’s ending. Finally, their writings for their monthly newsletter also have fun activities and readings.

Dyker Knights S.E.A.L. Team Link:



with Mr. Typrowicz

It’s where you get to learn music pieces with different instruments. Instruments you can learn include the drums, saxophone (alter or tenor), mallet percussion, percussion, trombone, trumpet, clarinet, flute, and it’s all there!


with Mrs. Declara

In the Drama club with Ms. DeClara, you can learn about acting, characters from different movies getting acted out, backstage sets, and many other things. You can try out to be your favorite character or be backstage, watching your friends and classmates acting in the center of the stage.


with Mr. Botte

The guitar club features getting educated on how to play the guitar. You can learn about the guitar’s instrument as well.


with Mr. Profera

Did you know that soccer is also called “football”? In this club, you can get educated on how to play the sport soccer and it's history behind this sport.


with Mr. Profera

This club introduces how to take photos in different environments and using a camera properly (if you ever want to become a photographer).


with Mr. Gianni

In this club, you learn how to play basketball in Mr. Gianni’s club. You can also learn many techniques on how to shoot, pass, dribble, and etc. If you join, you can also get more athletic and good at basketball.