Additional DML Support

Multilingual and IMmigrant Student Support for NYC Public Schools

This site provides relevant resources and professional learning opportunities for teachers, parent coordinators, school counselors, and social workers, as well as students and their families. Also included are strategies designed to ensure multilingual and immigrant students can safely navigate school and pursue a postsecondary pathway, and with the assurance that families can equitably engage in the fullness of their educational journey.

Link to the Multilingual and Immigrant Student Support (MIST) for NYC Public Schools site

Multilingual Learner InfoHub

This public site is where NYC DOE shares information with partners, providers, researchers and the general public with regards to multilingual learners.

Link to the Multilingual Learner InfoHub site

Community-Based Organizations

This website provides a map of a running list of community-based organizations that are dedicated to serving NYC's linguistically and culturally diverse families.

Link to the Community-Based Organization site