
SIFEshare is an interactive professional learning network designed to support educators in NYC Public Schools to help build strong learning communities with SIFE. Resources include guidance for developing oracy and literacy, supports for content instruction and social-emotional learning, recommended research, and much more to connect community members.

SIFEshare on SharePoint


Every Student Has a Story

The "Every Student Has a Story" series includes 14 units spanning grades 4 to 12 written by New York City teachers of Newcomers and SIFE for New York City teachers of Newcomers and SIFE. Each unit features an engaging topic centered around texts that help students to share their stories in creative and meaningful ways.

Link to the Every Student Has a Story series

8 Principles to Build Community with SIFE

Community-building work requires a robust network of support that starts with students and staff and extends outward into the community. This resource offers eight focal points to begin conversations around building a stronger and more supportive learning school community for SIFE.

Link to the 8 Principles to Build Community with SIFE