Girls' Basketball
Boy's Basketball
Cross Country
Student Council
The student council is elected by the students to helps share ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and school principals. They often also help coordinate schoolwide activities, including social events, community projects, helping people in need and school reform.
Hope Squad
Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer, school-based program built around the power of connection that aims to reduce youth suicide risk through education, training, community partnerships, and cultural change.
Buddy Crew
Description coming soon!
Choir is an after school program for students that enjoy singing a variety of quality choral literature. Students joining the choir should understand that the main focus of the program is to learn to sing properly and the study of choral music, as well as performing.
School Plays
Our school plays are a musical performance put on by students at our school. They are typically performed in a theater setting and involve students acting out and singing the stories. Some of our performances have included: Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, and Peter Pan. Participation in the play is by audition only.
Tech Crew
The Tech Crew offers project based, student-centered learning, in scene design, construction, and painting, theatrical lighting design and application, sound design, mixing, and application, prop design and fabrication, and time and project management.
Chess Club
Chess Club is designed to give students an opportunity to learn the game of chess, improve their chess skills, and to enjoy challenging their peers, while experiencing healthy competition and team spirit. Chess is used to develop critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making. While the students will have the chance to track their progress and to compete in chess matches, our main focus will be to encourage learning, sportsmanship, and fun.
Gifted and Talented
Utah defines gifted and talented students as students in grades K-8 that the LEA identifies as having an ability that is significantly above the typical ability of a student within the same age group in; general intellectual ability; specific academic fields including language arts, mathematics, or science; or creative thinking.
Gifted and talented services are opportunities with increased depth, complexity, or rigor provided to gifted and talented students. We do a variety of task- and performance-based activities.
Students in grades 3-8 are invited by their grade-level teachers to participate in a once-a-week class after school for Terms 2 & 3. Interested students can attend and practice their creative problem solving skills while working with others. Our classes involve teamwork and a need for mutual respect and the ability to listen to others’ ideas.
Tuesdays After School
Second and third terms we run our Tuesday after school clubs which range in everything from Reading and Math tutoring to 3D Art and cookie decorating, and so much more. We are always finding ways to have positive interactions with our kids in environments that aren't always geared toward high stakes testing.
Robotics Club
Students build and code robots, create their own designs and features for the robots, participate in competitions, learn teamwork skills and collaboration, all while having fun!
Art, Galas, and Contests
Scholar Academy Supports the three principles that are spelled out in “Arts Education Is Essential”
“Arts education supports the social and emotional well-being of students, whether through distance learning or in person.”
“Arts education nurtures the creation of a welcoming school environment where students can express themselves in a safe and positive way.”
“Arts education is part of a well-rounded education for all students as understood and supported by federal and state policymakers.”
Role-Playing Club
Roleplay Club is a space for table-top gamers to come together to play a story. Game Masters assume the storyteller role and guide players through a plot. Players provide characters in the story and decide what the characters do and say and how they react to situations they find themselves in. It is a fun interactive club to foster creativity and friendships.
Latinos in Action
Latinos in action is a leadership program that gives members of the Latino community opportunities shine. The students will develop and enhance linguistic proficiency by reading, writing, and interpreting in both languages. Students will also develop social skills to interact across a wide variety of age groups and social contexts. They will demonstrate communication, leadership, and conflict resolution skills. En fin, son latinos en acción.
Service Learning
Service learning is defined as: "A form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection as students seek to achieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves."