College and Career Pathways
Explore High School College and Career Pathways -
Explore High School College and Career Pathways -
Sample Programs of Study by School - Use this tool to plan your courses and Pathway Specialization.
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Sample Programs of Study by School - Use this tool to plan your courses and Pathway Specialization.
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High quality college and career pathways include the following four key components:
High quality college and career pathways include the following four key components:
Academic Rigor
CTE Sequence of Courses
Work Based Learning
Comprehensive Student Supports
Explore college and career pathways within a program of study available at your high school.
Select your pathway of interest and plan early to take each course in the sequence to become a pathway completer.
Explore college and career pathways within a program of study available at your high school.
Select your pathway of interest and plan early to take each course in the sequence to become a pathway completer.
Pathway completers have the opportunity to earn college credit in many pathways. As a completer, students have additional work based learning experiences that can lead to internships and/or paying employment. Pathways completers are more likely to complete high school as college and career ready.
College and Career Pathways also offer students an opportunity to earn early college credit through articulation agreements, College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP), and partnerships with colleges.
College and Career Pathways also offer students an opportunity to earn early college credit through articulation agreements, College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP), and partnerships with colleges.