Pop Art Self-Portraits

7th Grade: Pop Art Self Portraits

For this unit, students will learn all about the Pop art movement of the late 1950's and 60's. We will learn about Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, consider what Pop art was reacting to, and why it is still influential today.

We will also take a step further in our exploration of Self-Portraiture. We will create self portraits that are hand drawn rather than traced. Students will learn the proportions of the face and how to make their drawings look more realistic.

We will finish the paintings with paint and sharpie, creating a bright color block painting with shadows that POP!

Pop Art Rubric.pdf

Please print this rubric and attach a tab. This will be the cover for our unit, please reference this to keep track of your grade and see what's ahead.

POP ART Graphic Organizer Notes.pdf

Please use this graphic organizer to take notes on the Pop Art Prezi

This worksheet will guide you through drawing the accurate proportions of the face. Please fill one page with a practice face before moving on to the final project.

Drawing Accurate Facial Proportions.avi

This video tutorial will walk you through drawing your face. Please work along with the video and have a mirror handy. Feel free to pause whenever you need to slow down.