You MUST Wear a MASK!

Last week, we were given orders by the Riverside County Health Department to wear masks when we are outside. This is a totally different kind of mask, just for fun and art. :)


  • First, click the links to read both these articles.
  • Next, use whatever materials you have (cardboard box, paper bag, the inside of a cereal box, etc.) to make a mask. It can be super simple or complex, your choice. Make your mask/ photograph relevant to TODAY, just as Steinbergs were relevant to the 1950's and 60's.
  • Then, photograph yourself wearing the mask while doing something totally ordinary. Feel free to get the whole family involved, add props, dress up, etc. to make it relevant to today.
  • Publish in GREY SCALE or BLACK AND WHITE to You can either edit the photograph to be black and white before uploading, or you can do it directly in the app/site.
  • Next, write an artist statement in Artsoina about how your Inge Morath and Saul Steinberg's artwork was relevant to the 1950's and how your mask is relevant to today. Due Friday @2pm
  • Go to our Artsonia Gallery and view your classmates work after the due date.

An example from my 7 year old...

My daughter Iris wanted to join in the fun. I can't wait to see your photos :)