Tech Help

Upload Using Browser.mp4


Upload to Using Chromebook Browser

First, take a photo using your Chromebook, digital camera, or smartphone. Save the image in an easy to access folder. I created a folder on my desktop titled, "Artsonia Photos to Upload"

For help taking a photo using your Chromebook, check out this tutorial first:


The Artsonia Mobile App is the easiest and fastest way to post to Artsoina. Click the button above to download- it's free. Ask your parents for help if you are borrowing their phone or tablet for this.

What is the Class Code? What is my PIN?

Please check page 5a in your planner, we recorded this information back in the first quarter of school. If it's not there or you have lost your planner, just email me. Be sure to include in your email that you have already checked page 5A.