

Artist statements

My topic is landscapes. I went on a walk outside and took a whole munch of photos. For my first photo it was just a normal print , the second picture is a edited one, I used sharpie to draw boarders and little birds, and my third one is my syanatype which is where you expose it with sunlight to print it on the special fabric. I did three because I forgot that we needed to do the syantype for the landscape.

I chose to do these photos because they are the strongest photos out of what I took and it makes you think about it. it has some Darker shadows and some lighter shadows. For my second photo I decided to add birds because thats what I see in the sky, but it was still to empty so I added boarders. For my third I did a syantype and sewed a plant on it, and later I will sew it on to a canvas bag.

These photos don't really go with my contration because it doesn't have humans in them but the are still very strong and it defiantly one of my favorites.