photography 1

Artist Statement

This photo I think is one of the best photo I have taken in photography class. I choose this because it very simple but tells a story and the different colors look really good. I learn a lot from this project, First I learn how to use photoshop to create the picture selection, I also learn what picture selection is which mean you take photo turn into black and white an select certain areas of the photo with bright colors. And I also learn how to plan my photo while taking them. I need to find pictures that were colorful and I had to decide what colors is should use. Taking this photography class by widening my view in photography by helping me under stand composition and different ways and setting to take my photos in. I use to just take pictures of the outdoor but after taking this class I widen my photo to inside and taking portraits photo. We did a unit in the begging where we had to cut out photos and explain why we loved it, we used magazines and I saw a whole different side to photography. I think a way this class could change is not to spend to much time explain each class, take one class to explain and let us work the rest of the classes until a new unit because I heard the same direction a couple of time. But over all I really think this class taught me about photography in a good way. I was to stressful.