
Concentration Artist Statement:

I did this concentration because I love doing portraits and I think portraits and humans are closer to what we live around then natural nature. I think humans show what we can't express sometimes and it helps us express ourselves later on in our lives. I chose this because humans seem so interesting to Me. I think this is something I could further on take pictures of and better my photography but also like to incorporate more color to my concentration like theme colors.

My favorite photo is milk and honey hands I think I have a nice pop of color but also tells a story behind it too. It really makes you think about why I chose milk and honey and what's behind the book.

Digital was easier to do my concentration film was a little bit harder to do because of like lighting and getting different colors to come out. I wish I had more time to do more portraits outside because of the nature in the background really pops out how we live our lives in Maine.

One thing I would change is not doing as many black-and-white photos and doing more colored and popping the color would also like to do more editing on my photos.

I don't have a least favorite, there are all really and yes I could work on some but, it like how they are. It expresses me as a photographer.

When doing Humans, I have met new people. Which helps with my shyness and anxiety.

Milk and Honey Hands

Painted Burke

Creeping Vines

Non-Reflective Life



Jaune + Bleu

Frère et Soeur