Photography 2

Milk and Honey Hands

Universe Feet

Bird Watching

Snowy Morning



Apple Flower

Complementary Love

Primary Pins

Non-Reflective Life

Pink Family

Painted Burke

1995 Old

Ugly trash


I personally think that my photography has gotten better from my photography one class that I took with Mr. Anderson in the spring of 2018. I have improved on colors, editing, backgrounds, and creativity. My favorite photo from digital is Milk and Honey Hands from Hands project, I think this because it a very strong photo and express my concentration . My Favorite photo from film is Alex from Portraits project. I think this because it's very strong emotional and a represented piece.

I wished I have worked harder on my photography, I wish I've represented more of my life in my photos. I think I would've change my concentration to nature I think that was more of what I liked it to you when I went to film. But I humans challenge me as a concentration.

I would like to use my photography skills one day and I think this class has put me a lot to see where I want to help in the photography world. My favorite topic was portraits I think that really represented what I love to do I think it was harder topic for me to do because I want to challenge myself by meeting new people.

Something I would've change was like my editing I wish I tried a little bit harder and like try new things. Such as shadows and color differentiation. I also wish I did more like collages and editing to like putting humans on top of humans was one of mine I wish I did more I think it spoke to me all of it more but I never actually tried.

I think my hardest topic was Family Dynamics because my family is mine and I had a hard time showing like what was special to me because everything was special to me and had a show in photography without pictures. I think I could've done a lot better with some of my photos like family dynamics. I need topic that was new to me was same colored photography and like matching color and that's what you're trying to take pictures of not just like regular things.

I think in the future I'll try more on my editing, more on my creativity and expressing myself and listening to Mrs. Medsker and do more framing in my photos and I would also like to explore the film part of photography on my own