Recordings and Slides, March 23, 2024

Presentations of the webinar March 23, 2024. The recordings will be posted later on.


The Rotary International President Gordon McInally, whose motto is “Create hope in the world” VIDEO

The author of Silent Seas – the Fish Race to the Bottom, Isabella Lövin. VIDEO




How ICES work and why fisheries management doesn't follow their recommendations.

Joakim Hjelm: Senior scientist at SLU Aqua and former director of Institute of marine research in Lysekil, Sweden. Member of ICES advisory council (ACOM).


The Baltic Sea ecosystem and sustainable fishing. SLIDES

Laura Uusitalo, research professor LUKE (Natural Resources Institute Finland


Dive into Sustainability: Unlocking the Secrets of Baltic Sea Fisher. SLIDES

Anna Dębicka, program director, Marine Stewardship Council MSC, Baltic and Central Europe


Current status and future for Baltic fisheries. SLIDES

Nils Höglund, Senior Marine and Fisheries Policy Officer, Coalition Clean Baltic, Sweden




A new fish science laboratory in the Baltic Sea region – the first of its kind. SLIDES

Konrad Stralka, MD Baltic Waters


How to survive as a small-scale local fish industry. SLIDES

Mathias Schilling, entrepreneur in Western Pomerania, Northern Germany, The association Hiddenseer Kutterfisch.


How does industrial fishing impact the wintering seabird populations in the Baltic Sea? SLIDES

Julius Morkūnas, Lithuanian ornithological society, Klaipėda University and Costal research and planing institute. 


Enabling the blue food revolution by turning sidestreams mainstream. SLIDES

Michaela Lindström, Managing Director, co-founder, Hailia Nordic Oy, Finland