
March 11, 2023


Angelika Przeździęk,  Moderator

Assistant Rotary Coordinator Zone 18

District Trainer 2018-2023

District Membership Chair

District 2231 Poland

RC Warszawa-Józefów

Mark Krawczynski, Chair of BASRAN Board, Rotary Club Warszawa City

Piotr Jankowski, DG in D2231 (Poland), Rotary Club Koszalin 

R. Gordon R. McInally, RI President-elect (RIPE), RC South Queensferry, West Lothian, Scotland.

R. Gordon R. McInally, RI President-elect 2023-2024.


Jacek Bełdowski, Chair of the HELCOM Expert Group on Environmental Risks of Submerged Objects (EG SUBMERGED). The Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Jacek Bełdowski_bio

Juha Flinkman, PhD (marine biology, University of Helsinki 1999, Development manager at R/V Aranda, Finnish Environmental Institute Syke. Marine biologist, scientific diver.

Juha Flinkman_bio

Jan-Luca Stampf, MEng., PhD., Expert for mass spectrometry: Hazard Control GmbH, Germany

Jan-Luca Stampf_bio

Benedykt Hac, Group Geofusion Sp. z o.o., Reseach & Develepment Department.

Benedykt Hac_bio

Łukasz Porzuczek, CEO Group Geofusion Sp. z o.o.  

CV Company GGF


Susana Vallejos works with public programming at Vrak - Museum of Wrecks. She is an experienced museum professional and archaeologist that specializes in maritime archaeology and connecting museums with the communities they are intended to serve

Fotografen: Anneli Karlsson, SMTM

Henning von Nordheim, The Honorary Professor for “Marine Nature Conservation” at the University of Rostock.

Henning von Nordheim_bio

Michal Latacz, President of the Board at Noa, CTO & Chairman of the Board at HumanAlfa Fund, Executive MBA for Offshore Wind Energy, Poland.