2024 Baltic Sea RYLA of D1420 Finland

RYLA Baltic Sea 2024  in Finland in Tvärminne, Hanko: 

Climate Change and the Baltic Sea

The third RYLA Baltic Sea 2024 by D1420  will be from 4th to 9th of August 2024 in Finland in Tvärminne Zoological Station in Tvärminne village near Hanko town.


The BASRAN Baltic Sea RYLA 2024 is now fully booked!


The last payment date for clubs is June 25, 2024. (At the end of Rotary year 2023 - 2024).

Who can participate?

-  2–3 young people (aged 18-30) from each Baltic Sea country (16 in total)

-   2 young people (aged 18-30) from each of Finland's 5 rotary districts (10 in total)

-   6–8 Rotarians as instructors and camp leaders


Many Rotary clubs want to support the growth of young people to become future leaders. Feel free to contact Rotarians and Rotary Clubs in your community for getting a sponsor for you for the next Baltic Sea RYLA 2025

The idea is that a Rotary club invites a young person and pays the participant fee 400 € for all arrangements in Tvärminne, excluding travel costs to and from Tvärminne Research Station.

However, many clubs might pay your travel costs as well. 



is a leadership training applied to the environmental challenges of the Baltic Sea.

The overall aim of the training is twofold : 

1/to improve participants’ knowledge of the challenges facing this maritime environment and possible actions to remedy the situation. 

2/ to assess and develop participants’ ability to initiate and lead local projects focusing on saving the maritime environment.



Hannele Kauranne, Helsinki Finlandia Hall RC, BASRAN/ member administration and communications, tel. +358 400 618 439, hannele.kauranne@gmail.com


Ilkka Torstila, Ekenäs RC, Member of the Baltic Sea Committee in D1420

Tel. +358 400 605 068, ilkka.torstila@gmail.com

Find more information about Rotary!


Club Finder can help you find the nearest Rotary Club to ask for sponsorship to participate in the Baltic Sea RYLA 2024 camp!