The Curriculum at Rosebery

Rosebery aims to ensure that you follow a broad and balanced curriculum which will enable you to have the greatest chance of success at Key Stage 4, whilst ensuring you have a full range of opportunities open to you for the future. At Rosebery, we believe that the successful study of a traditional academic core of subjects gives you the best possible platform for all future pathways and careers and as such, all the subjects we offer at KS4 lead to GCSE qualifications. Asking you to shape your curriculum in Year 9 will ensure that you have the requisite time to fully explore, enjoy and excel in the subjects that are most relevant and important to you and your future.

Core subjects

You will study a core curriculum of English Language and English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History and a modern foreign language. 

The language studied will be French or Spanish depending on what you currently study at Key Stage 3.

Students will continue to study both Geography and History in Year 9.

There are two pathways in Science: Separate Science and Combined Science. Both qualifications are studied within the currciulum and do not count as an option choice, decisions on entries will not be made until Year 11. Please note that both pathways will enable students to study Science at A Level, should you achieve the required grades and both pathways allow students to achieve the highest possible grades up to and including grade 9.

Core subjects - non assessed

Finally in terms of the core, you will also have lessons in PE and PDC. PE is a compulsory part of education until the age of 16 and at Rosebery we offer a range of activities to educate young people about what it means to be healthy. Your PDC lessons will cover aspects of citizenship such as human rights and identity, as well as some more bespoke topics that we believe Rosebery students benefit from studying, including online safety. Your PDC lessons will encourage you to think about the world around you, about key ethical, topical and political issues and support your development into a well rounded, healthy and polite citizen.

Option subjects

In addition to your core curriculum you are required to study three further subjects. All of the subjects that are available as ‘Option Subjects’ are listed on this microsite. 

In order to maintain a broad and balanced curriculum you will be expected to select one of Art, Dance, Drama, Music and PE.  You should then select one of Business Studies, Computer Science, Food Preparation, Product Design, RS, Sociology and Textiles. Your final choice is a free choice of any of the remaining subjects.

Next steps

Please carefully consider the choices you would like to make and begin to finalise what you think your four options choices and reserve subject will be.

Options Evening will take place on Tuesday 26 March to help you decide your choices.

You will then be asked to submit your Options Online choices and reserve by 3pm on Wednesday 1 May when the system will be closed for review.

All options choices will then be analysed for viability and suitability with a view to confirming the final allocation of options by mid-June.

GCSE Reform

Following the reforms to GCSEs in 2017 all the subjects that you will be examined in will be graded 9-1. All of them will be examined at the end of Year 11 with an increased focus on final examination rather than coursework and controlled assessment.