Religious Studies

Is this subject right for me?

This course enables you to develop your knowledge and understanding on a wide range of religious and ethical issues. You will also develop your understanding of the beliefs and practices of two world religions. You need to enjoy debating moral issues and exploring concepts where there is often no right or wrong answer.

What do I need to know or be able to do before taking this course?

This Religious Studies course enables you to build upon the foundations established at Key Stage 3. If you enjoy learning about the world in which we live and engaging in ethical debates/discussions about what is right and wrong, then this could be the course for you.

What will I learn?

Students will be encouraged to develop and understand personal values and beliefs, with an emphasis on critical analysis and the ability to construct balanced and informed argument within the context of a philosophical and ethical awareness.

This course investigates beliefs and practices of two world religions, as well as look at philosophical and ethical issues of one of those religions.

  • Beliefs and practices of two main world religions

  • Relationships and families

  • The existence of God

  • Religion, peace and conflict

  • Dialogue between religious and non-religious beliefs and attitudes

Where could it lead?

Religious Studies can provide you with excellent transferable skills, from essay writing, building confidence in debating to developing the ability to appreciate other viewpoints.

Journalist - ‘Religious Studies is a way of broadening your understanding of the world and of people. In this job, you have to meet people from all walks of life, and a huge range of cultural backgrounds.’

Metropolitan Police Recruitment Office - ‘It shows that a person has some understanding of the beliefs and values of others.’

In addition lawyers, teachers, author, politician, civil servant, management consultants, N.G.O or healthcare professionals often have taken Religious Studies at GCSE or A Level.


1. Islam: Beliefs and teachings & practices - 1hour

2. Christianity: Beliefs and teachings & practices -1hour

3. Religion, philosophy and ethics in a modern world from a Christian perspective – 2hours

Exam Board

  • OCR