Physical Education

Is this subject right for me?

Physical Education will appeal to you if you enjoy sport and the theory that underpins successful sporting performance. GCSE PE is a science based subject which demands knowledge and understanding of biological systems as well as anatomy and physiology and some biomechanics. The two theory exams are very challenging as they require you to apply your knowledge to practical situations. Many students opt for this subject having participated in extra-curricular sporting activites either at Rosebery or outside of school and you will need to be able to perform three or more sports to a high standard. As part of the GCSE course, you will be expected to attend extra-curricular sports clubs at lunch and after school.

What do I need to know before taking this course?

Physical Education builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills established in Years 7 and 8. It will give you an exciting opportunity to be involved in a number of different physical activities, as well as learn the theory behind how our body reacts to physical exercise and adapts to training. You should have an interest in physical education and sport, enjoy being active and have a passion for the science behind the movement.

What will I learn?

You will develop your knowledge and practical skills in a range of physical activities. You will examine the effects of exercise and how training can improve performance. You will study the anatomy and physiology of your body and analyse how it moves. You will also learn how to keep your body healthy and about the psychology of sport; as well as the sociocultural influences which impact sport.  

Where could it lead?

This course will develop knowledge and understanding through practical involvement and will be of help if you may be considering a sports-related career or an A Level/ higher education course and want to know more about the benefits of sport and exercise. Many GCSE PE students go on to careers as physiotherapists, police officers, sports nutritionists, dietitians and working within the fitness industry. With Sport at the forefront of the news the opportunities are vast, with a strong link to other subjects such as Biology, Psychology and Sociology.


Theoretical assessment takes place at the end of Year 11: two written exams.

Practical assessment will be made throughout the two-year course and will be finally assessed during the moderated process.

Exam Board

For more information, click HERE.

Hear from our students...

Zoe, Year 11

What to expect...

Izzy, Year 11

Head of PE Department - Overview