
Is this subject right for me?

The GCSE Dance course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding and practical experience of dance as an art form. Throughout the course, students study a range of dance styles, techniques, and choreographic principles, enabling them to develop their creativity, physical skills, and analytical abilities. The course is suited to students who have a high level of dance knowledge and experience and enjoy demonstrating their creativity. As part of the course, students will be required to attend dance classes outside of school and are advised to attend the extracurricular program at Rosebery.  

What do I need to know before taking this course?

GCSE Dance builds upon the foundation of knowledge, understanding, and skills developed during PE in years 7, 8 and 9. It offers an exhilarating chance for students to participate in various dance forms while exploring the theoretical framework of how our bodies respond to movement/music and adapt to different choreographic styles. A genuine interest in dance, enjoyment of movement, and a fascination with different professional dance styles are vital for students pursuing this course.  

Where could it lead?

GCSE Dance can lead students down various paths, depending on their interests, aspirations, and continued dedication to the discipline. Most students will continue the dance aspirations into further/higher education. Some potential career avenues include Professional Dance, Choreography and Artistic Direction or Dance Therapy and Wellness.


Component 1 - Practical Performance 

Component 2 – Choreography  

Component 3 - Written Examination 

Exam Board