
What will I learn?

Science is designed to stimulate and excite curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around us. It will equip you to be a scientifically literate citizen, able to question and engage in debate on the evidence used in decision-making. It encourages critical and creative thought so that you may understand how scientific ideas contribute to technological change and hence impact on society as a whole. You will learn how scientists try to explain phenomena and solve problems using evidence. There are many opportunities in STEM careers and good science qualifications will open up more pathways for the future. In order to progress to A Level sciences, you must achieve a Grade 6 in either Combined Science or your separate science GCSEs.

All students study Science covering topics in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. You will all start your study of the GCSE content at the beginning of Year 9 and you will all be taught the same content. There are two pathways available at Rosebery, however, a final decision on which pathway you will complete will not be confirmed until the end of Year 9.

Combined Science: Trilogy (two GCSEs)

Separate Sciences : Biology, Chemistry and Physics (three GCSEs)

Which pathway?

Combined Science: Trilogy will be recommended for you in sets 4 and 5 and for most of set 3. The Combined Science Trilogy covers topics from all three sciences resulting in the award of two GCSEs at the end of Year 11. There is no coursework in the Combined Science Trilogy. However, there are sixteen core practicals that you will complete as part of the course. At the end of Year 11 you will sit six exams, two on Biology, two on Chemistry and two on Physics. All the exams are 1 hr 15 mins long and have an equal weighting. The GCSE papers are set at two levels of difficulty: Foundation and Higher. You will be entered for the tier that matches the standard of your work throughout the course.

The individual GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics will be recommended for you in sets 1 and 2 but may also be recommended to a few students in set 3. The Separate Science GCSEs cover more content than the Combined Science and provide great preparation for AS and A Level, without overlapping content. Although there is no coursework, each science has eight core practicals that you must complete. At the end of Year 11 you will sit six exams, two for each GCSE. All the exams are 1 hr 45 mins long and have an equal weighting. We would expect you to take the higher papers if you study the Separate Sciences.

Confirmation of science pathway

There is a significant amount of overlap between the two GCSE pathways so it is not necessary to make a final decision at this stage. Again, please note that both pathways provide appropriate preparation to study science at Advanced Level.

Exam Board

  • AQA

Check out the Rosebery Science site here:

What to expect...