
Is this subject right for me?

Business applies to everyone!  Whether you are a business owner, a manager, a worker, a customer or a member of the local community – knowing about business and becoming an enthusiastic, active and informed citizen is essential.   This course is interactive, enjoyable and current. You need to be good at communicating and explaining your ideas, be intellectually curious, be willing to undertake challenges and work with numbers to solve business problems. You will learn how to be a creative thinker and how to make decisions. You will also learn about the world of business through research and investigation and set up your own mini business!

What do I need to know or be able to do before taking this course?

It is unlikely that you will have previously studied Business – excitingly, you will realise how much you already know about businesses from your everyday lives. You might have an interest in business and want to start your own business one day. You may have an enquiring mind and be interested in learning about the world around you, how businesses are set up, and what qualities and characteristics are required to be a successful entrepreneur.

What will I learn?

You will be introduced to the world of business and will look at what makes someone a successful business person. You will find out how to develop an idea and spot an opportunity to turn that into a successful business. You will learn how businesses are developed in relation to human resources, operations, finance and marketing. You will also see how the world around us affects businesses including the impact of the economy, technology, trends, ethics, legislation and competition.   With opportunities for discussion and critical thinking, you apply your business knowledge to real life businesses that are local, national and international.


Where could it lead?

Students with a GCSE in Business can currently progress to the Sixth Form to study Business and/ or Economics at A Level. It also includes options to study BTEC’s or apprenticeships.  Business students emerge as enterprising individuals with the ability to think commercially and creatively.  We aspire for every student to have the best knowledge, skills and character that empower them to continuously develop and grow as they embark on the next steps of their journey.


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