Support at Roncalli College


The Roncalli College Wellbeing Centre is a safe, approachable, confidential service available to support students and their families.

REFERRAL FORM - for College Wellbeing Services

What we can help with: 

The Wellbeing Team are able to help support students with all aspects of of hauora (wellbeing).

These may include the likes of:

The process for visiting the Wellbeing Centre: 

Appointments are usually pre-booked on an online system (such as you'd find with other community organisations).

Most people book their own appointments by sending an email and/or completing our online referral form. Students can however just ‘drop in’ to the Wellbeing Centre if they wish or make contact through the College Office or Year Level Dean.

Appointments are made and recorded on google calendars and an email confirmation is sent to the student.

Wellbeing staff mark students attendance on the roll when they are out of class for an appointment. Session times align with the College timetable and will usually last for the duration of the period so students don't have to come or go from class making for a more confidential experience.


Downstairs in McAuley Block. 

The team:

Director of Wellbeing

Miss Ellen Walsh

Available in the Wellbeing Centre when not teaching.


Mrs Ashley Shaw

Monday - Thursday 8.45am - 1.00pm.


Mrs Michelle Grant

Fridays - 9.00am - 3.30pm.


Donna Kelly

Available on Tuesday at lunch times 

By appointment (which can be arranged by Ellen Walsh).

Outside Agencies:

If you'd prefer to see someone outside of school that is totally fine and we can help you to make a referral!

If you see a support worker from an outside agency (a counsellor, social worker, lawyer etc) and you'd like to meet with them at the College you are welcome to use the Wellbeing Centre.

For this to happen please ask your support worker to make contact with one of the Wellbeing Team or staff in the office so that a space can be booked.


At Roncalli College Year Level Deans can be a good first port of call for wellbeing support. 

Deans can help support students to make referrals to an appropriate member of the Wellbeing Team if necessary.

9 - Craig Hinton -

10 - Gemma Lindsay - 

11 - Victoria Chappell -

12 - Kelby Hackler -

13 - Sally Betts -