Period Products in Schools

Free menstrual products are available at various locations around the College.

Many New Zealanders are not able to afford the products they require for their period so we are very fortunate that pads and tampons are now available to secondary school students free of charge.

The idea is that students will take the whole box/packet rather than opening them up and taking single products. Students are welcome take as much as they need but also need to be mindful of other people and their requirments too.

If anyone would like to order a carton (approx 12 boxes/packets) you can email Miss Walsh ( who will place an order on your behalf. These cartoons would provide approx 6-12 months of product and can be picked up discreetly after school from the College Wellbeing Centre.

Please ensure that we are able to continue providing this service by treating it with respect.

Free period products are now available in the following locations:

The College Office

The Library

Outside the Wellbeing Centre

Outside Room 18

Common Room (Year 13 only)

Single product dispensers are located in the Library toilet and those upstairs in McAuley block.