South Canterbury Community Support Services

These local contacts/organisations can be utilised when support is required for yourself or someone else.

ICAMHS (Infant, child, adolescent mental health service) Timaru

CAMHS offers support for young people who present with moderate to severe symptoms of mental illness. 

Support available 24 hours a day.

Phone: 0800 277 997 

Counselling through Gumboot Friday/I am Hope Foundation

A free service for anyone 25 and under who needs the support of a counsellor. 

Counsellors available for face to face or digital therapy all over NZ.

Adventure Development (ADL/Thrive)

Brief intervention service supporting youth mental health and wellbeing in South Canterbury.

Free counselling.

Phone: 03 684 5870

Family Works

Supporting families to be safe, strong and connected.

Counselling, social work and programmes.

Phone: 03 688 5029 

Arowhenua Whanau Services

A maori Health Provider offering a Marae based health clinic, youth & adult mental health services and tamariki ora for the Aoraki rohe (South Canterbury Region).

Phone: 03 615 5180 

Enabling Youth

Support to cope with frustration and anger.

Youth Health Clinic

Free medical consultations for youth aged 12 - 24 years. No appointment necessary.

Tuesdays 2.30pm - 4.30pm. 



Sexuality and Gender (LGBTQIA+) support for young people and their families.   

Youth Group:

For all our South Canterbury rainbow, LGBTQIA+ and allies.  A place to listen - talk- offer advice - ask questions.

If you want further information/join this group contact Skudder-Beswarick 

Parents, whanau and caregivers of the rainbow  community group:

For any adults who have family members (of any age) who identify in the rainbow community. This is a safe place for adults to share information, laugh, cry and generally connect with other adults in our community over a cuppa and a biscuit. Share as much as you like or just come along and listen to gain knowledge.

For more information and to register your interest contact Natasha Dominey

YMCA South Canterbury - 23 Butler Street, Timaru .

Phone:  03 688 3682 

Oranga Tamariki

Dedicated to supporting any child in New Zealand whose wellbeing is at significant risk of harm now, or in the future.

Phone: 0508 326 459 

Multicultural Aoraki

Multicultural Aoraki provides guidance, advice and support, helps connect people to services and can advocate for people with those agencies if needed.

This service is particularly for those who are new to the area or who don’t speak English as their first language.

Oceans Grief and Loss Peer Support Programme

OCEANS Grief and Loss is a peer support programme for children, teens, and adults who have experienced loss in their life. The losses usually come from the death of a significant person, or a personal experience of separation/divorce. The focus of this programme is providing a safe environment for participants to talk about their loss/es and the change/s that have occurred then look ahead to a preferred future living and coping with the loss/change. We meet once a week for eight weeks in the children's programme and six weeks for the teen and adult's programme. We have seen many people go through the programme and have numerous success stories of how it has helped (Over 500 since Oceans started in 2006).

To enroll in a grief and loss programme please visit the website: or phone Matt on 0800 OCEANS or 027 4 OCEANS (ie. 623267) or email for more information