I'm here to help

Meet the counselor

Julie Rice

K-12 Counselor

Masters in Education in School Counseling - George Mason University-Virginia

Bachelor of Science Educational Psychology and Elementary Education from Brigham Young University-Utah

My name is Julie Rice. This is my third year as school counselor here at Richard McKenna Charter Schools. I previously worked as a school counselor in North Macedonia where my husband was stationed in the military.

I have worked as a preschool teacher, elementary teacher and special education teacher before taking time off to raise my family. As my husband was in the Air Force, we moved around a lot from coast to coast and overseas.

While we were in Virginia, I was able to get my Master's degree in School Counseling.

I am truly enjoying helping the students here and am available to talk to students, parents and teachers.

This year I will be at both the Montessori and the High School each day. For the most part, I will be at the High School in the early mornings and the Montessori late mornings and afternoons.

You can contact me at jrice@rmckenna.org

Montessori (208) 580-2347

High School (208) 580-2449