We hear the word “unprecedented” and “uncharted” a lot in the news and in articles about the COVID-19 crisis, and this is simply because we are collectively living through a moment in time that none of us has navigated before. It’s as if someone pushed the pause button and our daily lives suddenly came to a halt. The suddenness and unexpectedness of this impact can feel jarring for many people as it has likely impacted your daily life in some way, from increased financial pressures, social isolation, navigating the grocery store, adapting to new roles in the home, to adopting different routines. Many people are also experiencing emotions such as stress, grief, worry, anger, and sadness. Some people may even be experiencing physical symptoms such as fatigue, muscle tension, headaches and sleeplessness. And for those with existing mental health conditions, symptoms can exacerbate during this time.

As we move through moment, self-care is crucial. For some of us, we have an existing self-care routine that we can draw upon to provide us comfort within. For others of us, we have never had this much time on our hands and this is an opportunity to explore new ways to care for ourselves. Self-care strategies are unique to each person, as we all find comfort and care from different activities and practices.

Below are several physical and mental health strategies to help increase self care during this time (see Mayo Clinic):

Healthy Bodies:

  • Hydrate and eat a well balanced diet.

  • Get exercise daily

  • Practice good sleep hygiene, getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night

  • Take deep breaths and stretch often.

  • Avoid risky or destructive behaviors

  • Follow social distancing requirements, but make sure to get outside daily for sunshine and walks.

Healthy Minds:

  • Create new routines and follow them.

  • Give attention to areas of your life where you do have control.

  • Find new ways to maintain social and familial connections.

  • Practice gratitude daily.

  • Read books and listen to music.

  • Identify reliable sources of information regarding the COVID-19 crisis and limit intake of news.

  • Connect with your belief and/or faith based support system.

  • Find ways to give back and support your community.

Contact your provider should symptoms listed below become persistent and interfere with daily functioning:

  • Difficulty focusing on daily activities

  • Feeling out of control or severe and persistent anxiety

  • Intense feelings that make it difficulty to focus or engage in daily activities.

  • Difficulty managing your emotions.

Physical & Nutritional Strategies

Meditations and Mindfulness

Who do I want to be during the COVID-19 Crisis?

Who do I want to be during COVID-19.pdf