Rock Hill Schools Professional Learning

Rock Hill Schools Belief about Professional Learning

If we provide professional learning opportunities for our highly qualified educators that focus on research-based best practice using data driven curriculum design for optimum student outcomes, then our students will continuously demonstrate measurable growth and will attain increased achievement in world class knowledge, world class skills, and life and career characteristics that are aligned with the profile of the SC graduate.

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

23-24 Professional Learning Days

Aug. 15th-  District Professional Learning Series (Day 1)

Aug. 16th- Site-based Professional Learning Day

Oct. 9th- District Professional Learning Series (Day 2)

Oct. 20th- Early Release Day for School and District PLC Planning

Feb. 15th- District Professional Learning Series (Day 3)

Mar. 22nd- District Professional Learning Series (Day 4)

Mar. 28th- Early Release Day for School and District PLC Planning

May 2nd- Early Release Day for School and District PLC Planning

Professional Learning Strands

Core Teachers will be able to register for one Professional Learning Strand to follow on Oct. 9th, Feb. 15th, and Mar. 22nd.

Singleton and Small Group PLCs

Members of Singleton and Small Group PLCs will be able to register for PL sessions and Collaborative Team Meetings on designated dates.

Professional Learning Registration

KickUp is Rock Hill Schools Professional Learning Management System (PLMS). All district employees have access to Professional Learning Opportunities in KickUp. Click here for help using KickUp.

Follow Us @ProfLearningRH