2024-2025 Leadership Academy

The application window for the next Rock Hill Schools Leadership Academy is now open!

Overall Purpose of the Rock Hill Schools Leadership Academy 

Rock Hill Schools is committed to developing a high quality pipeline for school and district leadership.  To that end, the district provides application-based leadership academies for employees driven to seek advancement into the principalship, assistant principalship, and school and district instructional leadership.  

Individuals who are accepted into a leadership academy have the opportunity for apprenticeship experience, next level access information and leaders in the district, being the first group considered for new positions in the district, and participation in a completion ceremony. 

Academy participants will be asked to complete a number of leadership growth activities and all meetings will take place virtually and outside regular school hours. Meeting dates are the evenings over the course of the school year.  During several of the meetings, participants will experience a guest speaker from district leadership for community leadership for thoughtful dialogue and networking. Academy participants are expected to attend all meetings and complete all activities while engaging deeply with the academy facilitator and his/her colleagues in the academy cohort. 

Three Leadership Academies 

Leadership Academy for Aspiring Principals

Leadership Academy for Aspiring Assistant Principals 

Leadership Academy for Aspiring Instructional Leaders 

Selection Process 

Applicants must submit their applications electronically by 11:59 p.m. Aug. 30th.  The application can be accessed using the button at the bottom of the page.  Please note that the application includes the required completion of a recommendation form by the applicant’s current supervisor.  The link to the recommendation form is provided at the end of the application. Applicants should share the link with supervisors and request that the form is completed on his/her behalf for the appropriate Leadership Academy cohort.

Finalists will be notified of interviews by September 10, 2024. Selected applicants will be notified by September 24, 2024.

Note that only 5 applicants will be selected for the 2024-25 cohort in each academy.  There will be additional opportunities for application in 2026-27

Leadership Growth Activities 

With each of the following activities, each participant will receive personalized feedback from the academy facilitator with the purpose of helping the participant achieve his/her goals and develop leadership understanding, knowledge, and skills needed to move to the next level.  


The academy facilitator will work with participants to complete a high quality self-assessment of strengths and areas for growth in order to set professional leadership goals during the academy.  These goals and the framework will inform thinking, discussion, and coaching during the academy.  

Passion Project 

Participants will be provided with a template for an outcomes-oriented passion project they will undertake at their schools during the academic year to be completed by a date to be determined.  This passion project should reflect the participant’s unique interests, but also support his/her her leadership growth and goals.  The participant’s principal will need to approve and support the passion project. 

Job Shadowing 

Participants will be scheduled to job shadow a respected individual currently in the role they seek (principal, assistant principal, or instructional leader).  Two days of job shadowing are expected at minimum, and more days are optional if available and approved.  A template for participant reflection will be provided.  The participant’s principal will need to approve and support any days away from regular duties.   


During the academy, participants will develop a portfolio based on the academy framework that will help them apply for the targeted position (principal, assistant principal, or instructional leader). The portfolio will include a leadership reflection, self-assessment of growth during the leadership academy, an entry plan for the aspired-to position, and artifacts that can be used during interviews for that position.    

Important Dates

Application Window: May 24 - August 30

Finalists Interview Notification: September 10

Interview Options: September 16-20 (between 4:30 and 5:30)

Final Notification: September 23

Session Meeting Dates:  October 16, November 20, January 15, February 19, March 19, April 16