2021-2022 Professional Learning Strands

What are Professional Learning Strands?

During the three District Professional Learning Days, certified employees will engage in targeted professional learning opportunities- PLC Strands, Curriculum Strands, or Choice Strands. PLC and Curriculum Strands have been identified for specific groups and are priority for those employees. Employees not identified to participate in PLC or Curriculum Strands should select one Professional Learning Choice Strand that most meets their needs. All strands will be divided into a three-part series that will be presented on October 18, 2021; January 3, 2022; and March 11, 2022. Employees should identify and register for all three parts of ONE strand that applies to their role or best meets their needs. All sessions will be conducted virtually via Zoom or GoogleMeet. The time on the Professional Learning Days outside of participation in the strands should be spent planning for the upcoming instructional quarter.

Please access all strand sessions using the documents below. Links to register for strands are hyperlinked in the strand title.

How do I register?

1) Review the list of employees who are required to participate in a PLC Strand or Curriculum Strand listed above the schedule for those strands. If you have been identified for one of those groups, click the link in the schedule to access the KickUp registration.

2) If you are not required to attend a particular PLC or Curriculum Strand, you should register for one of the Choice Strands. Click the link in the schedule to access the KickUp registration.

PLC Strands (required for specific groups)

District PLCs will meet during the Professional Learning Days to review specific agenda items. Members of the following PLCs listed below MUST register for the appropriate PLC Strand. Please be sure to register for October 18, 2021; January 3, 2022; and March 11, 2022 of the same strand/topic. If you are not a member of any of the PLCs listed, check the list for the Curriculum Strand below this section.

  • Elem. ESOL
  • Sec. ESOL
  • PreK ESE
  • ESE
  • (1st year) K-8 Resource
  • Elementary Itinerant GT
  • Unique Pathways
  • Hard of Hearing
  • Sign Language
  • Vision
  • School Psychologists
  • OT/PT
  • School Counselors
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • World Language
  • Speech Therapists
  • Media Specialists
  • Occupational Credential
  • School Nurses
  • Reading Recovery
  • Elementary School PE
  • Middle School PE

Curriculum Strands (required for specific groups)

Specific groups will meet during the Professional Learning Days to work with targeted curriculum topics and resources. Members of the following PLCs listed MUST register for the appropriate Curriculum Strands. Please be sure to register for October 18, 2021; January 3, 2022; and March 11, 2022 of the same strand/topic. If you are not a member of any of the PLCs listed, please register for one of the Choice strands below this section.

  • MTSS Kindergarten and Grade 1 PLC Rep.
  • 4th Grade Science teachers
  • 6th Grade Math
  • 6th Grade Science
  • 6th Grade Social Studies
  • 7th Grade Math
  • 7th Grade Social Studies
  • 8th Grade Math
  • Middle School Reading Interventionists
  • English II
  • AP English
  • READ 180 Teachers
  • Algebra I Foundations
  • AP Statistics
  • AP Calculus
  • IB Math
  • Discrete Math
  • High School Biology
  • US History
  • AP Social Studies

Professional Learning Choice Strands

Professional Learning Choice Strands are only an option for employees not identified for the PLC or Curriculum Strands. Choice Strands have been developed based on areas identified in the 2019-2020 Professional Learning Needs Assessment. Before registering for a Choice Strand, employees should review the topics offered and select the strand that will address an area of need. Choice Strands are presented as a three part workshop series that will allow participants to progress from an initiation to implementation level with the topic.