Media tags

HTML Media Tags

We will look at some HTML elements that are used for displaying media. The gallery below will show examples of the following tags.

  • Image (IMG)
  • Audio
  • Video

Image Tags

The image tag <IMG> is used to display images.

Sample Image Code

Other attributes in a HTML Tag

Alt - This is alternative text describing the image. Users will see this text displayed if the image URL is wrong, the image is not in one of the supported formats, or if the image is hasn’t downloaded.

Height - You can specify the height of the image in pixels or as a percentage.

Width - You can specify the width of the image in pixels or as a percentage.

Audio Tags

The audio tag is used to embed a sound clip in a web page. The main supported file types are mp3 and ogg files.

Other attributes in an Audio tag

Controls - If this attribute is specified then the controls for playback will be displayed

Autoplay - The sound file will be automatically played once the page loads

Loop - The sound will automatically navigate to the start

Volume - A value between 0.0(silence) and 1.0(loudest)

Example audio element using these attributes:

Video Tags

The audio tag is used to embed a sound clip in a web page. The main supported file types are mp4 and ogg files.

Other attributes in a Video tag

Controls - If this attribute is specified then the controls for playback will be displayed

Autoplay - The sound file will be automatically played once the page loads

Loop - The sound will automatically navigate to the start

Volume - A value between 0.0(silence) and 1.0(loudest)