Data Dictionary Example

Step 1 Identify the Attributes

The first step is to identify all the attributes that need to be in the database.

A local furniture company holds info on its products and designers. It stocks tables, chairs and desks.

The attributes have been identified in bold

Remember that the primary/foreign keys may not be mentioned.

Step 2 Identify the relationships

We need to identify the relationship between the two entities. We have arranged the attributes into two entities. In this example one designer can design many items of furniture but an item of furniture can only be designed by one designer.

Step 3 Link the tables together

We need to establish the link between the two entities.

We will use the primary key from the Designer entity (the one side) and drag it into the Item entity (many side)

Now we will design both of the tables.

Step 4 Designer Table Design

Step 5 Item Table Design