
A browser is an essential piece of software used for accessing the web.

The function of any browser is to process and display the web pages. A web page will be written in HTML like the section to the right. HTML is a mark up language used for displaying content hosted on the World Wide Web. This is processed by your browser. It has tags that are opened and closed.

The tags control how the page and text/images are structured. Certain features of some web pages require features of particular web browsers, or perhaps just the newest version.

What is HTML

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language. The language provides code for formatting the layout and style of a web page.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are sometimes called the "Web Development trifecta"

Some HTML History

1990-1995 HTML developed at CERN (Center for European Nuclear Research) and later at IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)

1997 HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.01 developed

2014 HTML5 recommendation

Dec 2017 HTML 5.2 recommendation

2018 HTML 5.3 in development

Further reading:

HTML Page Structure

Tags are the names given to the parts of HTML script which surround the content of your page. So from the example below <HTML> and <BODY> etc. are tags. You will notice that every time a tag is opened it is closed by typing </TAG> such as </HTML> and </BODY>.


Tags are the names given to the parts of HTML script which surround the content of your page. So from the example above <HTML> and <BODY> etc. are tags. You will notice that every time a tag is opened it is closed by typing </TAG> such as </HTML> and </BODY>.

Most HTML elements will have the following format:

Structure of an HTML element

Title Tag

The title tag which goes in the head area is displayed in the browser window/tab.

Title of My First Web Page in a browser tab.