

Analysis is an attempt to understand a given problem clearly and exactly in order to generate a solution. It is crucial that the needs of the client are identified as soon as and in as much detail as possible. The primary outcome for the analysis phase is a requirements specification.

Functional Requirements

The purpose is the reason for a system to exist. The functional requirements are a set of statements that will detail every function that the new system will perform. These will have to be designed and tested and will form the basis for evaluating fitness for purpose

Questions to ask

What are the inputs?

  • What data will the user input into the system?

What are the processes?

  • What calculations or operations will be performed on the data?
  • Such as calculations etc.

What are the outputs?

  • What is being displayed to the user?
  • Is there any formatting that needs to be applied such as decimal places etc?

Worked Example

A teacher needs a program that will process the prelim and coursework marks for their class of 20 pupils. They will also need to calculate and display the percentages .


To input 20 pupil names, their prelim marks and their assignment marks. Calculate the percentage, and then find and display the name and percentage.

Functional Requirements

These are defined in terms of the inputs, processes and outputs. All inputs are from a keyboard and all outputs displayed on the screen.

The program is activated by opening the program and then selecting “Run” from the menu.

The inputs, processes and output required are shown below:

1 Inputs:

1.1 User inputs the Pupil Name, Prelim Mark , Assignment Mark

2 Processes

2.1 Calculate the percentage for each pupil (prelim mark + assignment mark/160)

3 Output

3.1 Display the name of each pupil with their prelim and coursework mark

3.2 Display the pupil's percentage