Environmental Impact

We have one world

The technology that we use has a direct impact on the environment in which we live and it is important that we bear this in mind when purchasing, using and disposing of our computer equipment.

It is often said that we need multiple worlds of resources to cope with the current lifestyle that we need.

Carbon Footprint

You have a carbon footprint. This can be defined as the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that care caused by an organisation, event or person.

What are greenhouse gases?

  • Some greenhouse gases are
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Methane
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

They are all natural gases, but extra greenhouses gases can be made by humans. Environment experts are especially concerned about carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

This carbon footprint is caused by:

  • the manufacturing of all of your possessions
  • transport you use.
  • the electricity and gas used
  • Computers allegedly contribute to 0.8% of global CO2 emissions

Check your carbon footprint: http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/

Computers use energy in the form of electricity. In 2018 the average house in Britain used 3,861 kWh of electricity. (source)

Reducing your carbon footprint

You can use a laptop instead of desktop?

  • Power Saving Settings
  • Shut down/Standby when not in use
  • Don’t leave laptops charging all of the time
  • Monitor/screen brightness
  • LED Monitors
  • Hard drives can power down during periods of inactivity.

Some positive environmental aspects of Computing