Creating a Relational Database (SQL)

1 - Copying the DB.mp4

1 - Creating the database

This video will make a blank database

2 - Creating Designer Table.mp4

2 - Designer Table Field Types and Sizes

This video will create the designer table and set the field types and sizes.

4 - Adding Designer validation.mp4

3 - Setting the Designer Table Validation

This video will show you how to set the appropriate validation checks in the table (length check).

3 - Creating Item Table.mp4

4 - Setting Item Table types and sizes

This video will create the Item Table setting the field names and types.

5 - Adding Item validation.mp4

5 - Item Table Validation

This table will add set the Primary and Foreign Keys and then add the validation rules (length, range and restricted choices).

6 - Testing Designer Validation.mp4

6 - Testing the Designer Table

We will now test the Designer Table to test that the validation rules we added.

7 - Testing Item Validation.mp4

7 - Testing the Item Table

We will now test the Item Table to test that the validation rules we added.

8 - Dates time and Boolean.mp4

8 - Dates, times and Boolean fields

This video looks at how to use Date, Time and Boolean fields.

Creating a Database Table in SQL

Although covered in the videos the code for creating a SQL database is shown below:

The CREATE TABLE statement allows you to:

  • Create a new table

  • Define the fields

  • Set any primary/foreign keys

  • Add any validation

Example Create Statement (without validation)

SQL Data Types

Tthe SQL field types you are expected to use a quick reminder is shown below.

  • TEXT (or VARCHAR)- used to store text

  • INT - stores integer values (use this for a boolean field - 0 means false and 1 means true)

  • FLOAT - used to store real numbers

  • DATE - stores a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD

  • TIME - stores a time in the format hh:mm:ss

Setting the Primary Key

This specifies that a primary key of one field (or more) has to be unique:

fieldName dataType PRIMARY KEY


When creating a database you can add suitable validation to ensure your data is correct.

Validation - Presence Check

This is specified in the field declaration and ensures that a field contains a value and cannot be empty.

fieldName dataType NOT NULL

An example would be:

Validation - Restricted Choice

The SQL code below would implement a restricted choice ensuring that the option entered is a valid one contained in the specified values.

Validation - Range Check

The SQL code below would implement a range check.

Validation - Length Check

Foreign Key

The Foreign Key constraint ensures that a foreign key is a non null primary key in another table (referential integrity).

When creating a field you can declare the field type and then assign it as shown below.

fieldName dataType FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES tableName (fieldName)

Or at the end of the CREATE statement you can list the foreign key(s).