HTML Forms

Course Content

Describe, exemplify and implement form elements:

Why use HTML forms?

HTML forms are used to capture some input from a user and then process it in some way. 

Such as the example below for the SQA calendar builder.

Different Form Elements

There are various form controls you may see:

Text Box

Radio Buttons

Submit Button

Text Area

Number Picker

Drop Down Menus/Combo Boxes

Text Input Example

These are primarily used to allow a user to input smaller pieces of text.

The above text example demonstrates the structure of a text field. There are properties to set the name, width and height. There is also a length check as well as a presence check coded.

Number Input Example

These look similar to a text box except from the fact that it wont allow alphabetic data and there are up and down arrows (in some browsers) that will allow you to increment and decrement the values. You can also set minimum and maximum values.

Range Check Example

The code below will force the value to be between 1 and 3, the min and max attributes set these values. 

<input type="number" name="tickets" min="1" max="3">

HTML5 will validate the input to see if meets the minimum and maximum values.

Text Area Example

A larger text box, for use with extended text input, can be implemented using the textarea form element. You can set the usual presence and length check but in addition you can change the height and width of the text box.

Radio Buttons Example

Radio inputs can be implemented using multiple input elements of type radio (only one option can be selected from a group). The checked property will set the default option.

Output from the above code is shown to the right. You will notice that the first option has already been selected.

Choose your age:<br>

<input type="radio" name="age" value="12 to 14" checked> 12-14


<input type="radio" name="age" value="15 or 16"> 15,16


<input type="radio" name="age" value="17 or over"> over 16

When submitted, the above form would return the named attribute “age” along with one of the listed values: 12 to 14, 15 or 16, 17 or over. Although not required at Higher, it is good practice to include both the name and value attributes.

Submit Button

When a form is submitted, the browser shows any validation errors (check browser versions, as this is browser dependent). To allow some visual acknowledgement that an action is performed when the submit button is clicked, a JavaScript onclick event can be applied to the form as shown below:

<form action="" onsubmit="alert ('Form Entered')" >

The output produced from the above code.

Drop down menus

The select element is used to create a list of possible inputs in the form of a drop-down menu. Input choices are placed inside option elements.

Setting the size of a drop down box

The size attribute can be used within the select element, to display a set number of options. If the number of options is larger than the size attribute, a scroll bar will automatically appear:

<select name="play" size="3">

You will now see 3 options.

Drop down + multiple attributes

To allow users to select more than one option, the multiple attribute is used with the select element:

<select name="play" size="4" multiple>

A select element allowing multiple selections

Pre-populating input

To aid user input, form elements can be given values that are displayed when the web page loads.  These can be left unchanged, deleted or edited by the user, when they are completing the form.

Pre-populating text boxes

<input type="text" name="firstname" size="30" maxlength="15" required value = "Forename">

Pre-populating text areas

To pre-populate a textarea element, the text is included between the start and end elements as can be seem below:

<textarea name="message" rows="3" cols="50"> none </textarea>

Placeholder Values

To aid user input, form elements can be given placeholder suggestions that are displayed when the web page loads. These placeholders are replaced as soon as the user enters any new data.

The placeholder value will be replaced as soon as the user enters any data.

<input type="text" name="firstname" size="30" maxlength="15" required placeholder = "Enter forename here">

Pre-populating numeric values

<input type="number" name="tickets" min = "1" max="3" value = "2">

The value 2 will be entered initially.

Preselecting Option buttons

To pre-select an option button, you can select one value to be set as checked.

Choose your age:<br>

<input type="radio" name="age" value="12 to 14" checked> 12-14

<input type="radio" name="age" value="15 or 16"> 15,16

<input type="radio" name="age" value="17 or over"> over 16

The first option button will be selected (checked) by default.