Computer Misuse Act 1990

Course Content Specification

Describe and identify the implications for individuals and businesses of the Computer Misuse Act 1990:

Computer Misuse Act

This piece of legislation deals with the misuse of computer networks in an illegal manner.

This law makes it an offence to:

So for example if a pupil attempts to, or manages, to gain access (hack) to the school network to change their grade they would be breaching the Computer Misuse Act as they have gained unauthorised access (Offence 1) and also modified data (Offence 3).

If a disgruntled employee sabotaged a network or released security information to a competitor so that they could access the network that could also be an offence. This law can enforce fines, prison sentences and/or confiscation of all computer equipment.

Some further reading

Official Computer Misuse Act Legislation -

CPS Site -

Computer Misuse Act Cases: