String Handling

Course Content

A string is simply an array of characters. And in Python can be show in various forms:

They can be indexed like an array starting from [0]:

So for example:

Gives us the following output:



A substring is just a small piece of a larger string.

To access this we use a startindex and an endindex so using our previous example:

Gives us the following output:


You will notice that Python stops BEFORE it reaches the end index

Some further examples

If we use the string above:

Gives us the following output as it starts from character 2 and stops before it gets to character 4:


The example below starts from position 7 and carries on until the end of the string, which we have found using the len function.

Gives us the following output:


Although print(original[7:]) would provide the same output. As we have not specified the end position it will continue until the end of the string.

If we wanted to create a substring from the start of the string we could use the following code:

Gives us the following output:

I am

Although print(original[:4]) would provide the same output. As we have not specified the start position before the : then the substring will be from the start of the string.

Extracting from the right of a string

Some languages have a right(string,startposition, endposition) function that allow you to extract a substring from the end of a string.

Such as:

mystring = "This string is my original"

SEND right(mystring,8)

Gives us the following output:



Python doesn't have a right function but can use a negative indexing system to extract from the end of a string.

So for example:

Gives us the following output:



If we want more than one string we need to specify start and end positions, as in earlier examples the start and end position can be left blank if is the start of the string or the end of the string respectively.

Gives us the following output:


Similar to loops you can also use a step argument:

Gives us the following output - as Python will print the characters from position 0 to before position 3 but increasing the position by 2 each time. So will print out the characters at position 0 and 2.


Reversing a String

If you want to reverse a string there is a Python specific method to do this:

Gives the following output

lanigiro ym si gnirts sihT

However the generic way would be to use a loop to inde each character in the string, starting from the end. One possible method is shown below:

You will notice that we start at the right most position (calculated using the len function - 1). The reason for the -1 from the length is that the length of a 3 character string is 3 but the highest index would be 2. 

We then stop before we hit -1 ( which would be position 0) and we step through the loop in steps of -1.

Strings are immutable

They are immutable…This means they cannot be changed (they can be assigned a new value though).

So for example the ‘d’ in the string below should be a ‘s’

mystring = "I am a dtring"

So surely we can assign character at position 7 a new value of ‘s’

mystring[7] = "s" 

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment


Concatenation is a work around...

We could create a new variable to construct

Gives the following output:

I am a new string

So is building a new string at a time,  this is the approach we used earlier when reversing the string.

Converting between Characters and ASCII

When manipulating strings it may be required to convert to an ASCII character or to a character from an ASCII value. Python has two predefined functions to achieve this.

For example

Will produce:


For example

Will produce:


You can use this to generate random characters using ASCII codes. A sample ASCII table is linked here

So we can use this to generate a random value between 65 and 90 and then grab the corresponding ASCII value to generate a random uppercase character such as below. This could be a useful technique for generating passwords etc.

Searching for characters

We have already covered linear searches, but this could be used to find when a particular character occurs in a string and then perhaps split it on that character - for example where a space is.

So for example:

Would generate the following output:

Forename = Mr

Surname =  Hay

Tutorial Video - String Handling 

7 - String Handling.mp4