
Course Content

Penny High School wants to develop a new website to advertise it’s extra curricular activities ( and study skills groups).

End User Requirements

The website will have a multi-level structure, consisting of a home page with a horizontal navigation bar that gives clear links to four main areas (sports, study, music and drama). 

Each of the four main pages will have links to relevant sub-pages. A few of their comments are  shown below:

These comments will help to form the user requirements. 

Users should be able to:

You will notice that the user requirements are written from the users perspective.

Functional Requirements

The functional requirements are the operations that need to be carried out in order for the end user requirements to be met.

These functional requirements are able to be tested and should be used in the evaluation to assess fitness for purpose.


Just as when designing software when designing a website the structure is crucial. But as opposed to designing data flow within subprograms we will define the navigational structure. This will detail which pages can link to each other and the Hierarchy showing the levels with the site. 

Navigational Structure


Now that there is a set of established user requirements and the site structure has been designed then the user interface has to be planned.

A wireframe should be created for each page and should include the following elements:

Example Wireframes

Even these low fidelity wireframes (when non specific images and placeholder text are used) can be used as prototypes

There may also be hyperlinking to mimic functionality and navigation, at this point the system could be considered a prototype.

Home Page

Sports Page

Music Page

Study Page

Quiz Page

Drama Page