Computed Fields and Alias

A reminder of the database we will be using:

Computed Values 

Arithmetic expressions can be used to compute values as part of a SELECT query. The expressions can contain column names, numeric numbers and arithmetic operators. Whenever a value is generated by a query it is allocated its own column in the query answer table.

A computed value is temporary, it only exists within the query. This eliminates the need to store extra data which can be computed at run-time - particularly data which may change often.

Computed Fields and ALIAS Example 1

Stock value of all items with heading ‘Stock Value’.

Example 1  - Query Design

Fields and calculations:  description, price, (stockLevel*price) AS 'Stock Value'

Tables: Item

Search Criteria:  


Sort Order

Example 1  - Implementation

Computed Fields Example 2

The company wants to run a sale, they want to reduce the prices of all processors by 20%.

Example 2 - Query Design

Fields and calculations:  description, price,(price * 0.8) AS 'Sale Value'

Tables: Item

Search Criteria:  WHERE category = 'Processors'


Sort Order

Example 2  - Implementation