Development Methodologies

Course Content Specification

The Traditional Method/Top Down/Stepwise Refinement

We spend a lot of time collecting the complete requirements. Then working out the main steps to then refine these down into smaller problems. Only then designing and coding a piece of software.

Agile Software Development

The Agile model is a further evolution of the software development process. The main difference is in the amount of client/developer interaction. And that the requirements are constantly being gathered in Agile development as opposed to the traditional method of gathering them all at the beginning.

Software development was taking too long... Some further reading here

12 principles in the Agile manifesto ( from the agile manifesto)

Agile Sprints

Differences Between Agile and Traditional - Client Interaction

Traditional Method

Agile Method

Differences Between Agile and Traditional - Teamwork

Traditional Method

Agile Method

Differences Between Agile and Traditional - Documentation

Traditional Method

Agile Method

Differences Between Agile and Traditional - Measurement of Progress

Traditional Method

Agile Method

Adaptive versus Predictive

Traditional Method

Agile Method


Traditional Method

Agile Method