Counting Occurences - Parallel Arrays


The counting occurrences algorithm looks through a list of items and counts the number of times (occurrences) that a match is found. It again checks every item in the list and increments a counter when a match is found.

It is important to only output the amount of matches after the entire list has been traversed.  The algorithm is just a basic linear search but using a variable to keep a running total when a particular condition is met.

Counting Occurrences Pseudocode 

SearchItem = Input from USER

Total = 0

FOR counter = 0 TO Length(array)

IF array(counter) = SearchItem 

Total = total +1



Counting Occurrences - Parallel Arrays Python

it is important to initialise occurrences to 0 before beginning.

This could be used within a function to return the amount of occurrences (which may be 0).

Tutorial Video - Counting Occurences

5 - Counting Occurences.mp4