feel Your Best!


Mental health is more than the absence of mental illness. It includes having a positive mental and emotional attitude. Mental illnesses are real medical conditions and can be successfully treated. 

We all worry and experience times when we struggle with our feelings. Many people wonder sometimes if they have mental problems and some are afraid to get help. They may feel sad or elated, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, fearful, disoriented, or forgetful. If feelings or symptoms are affecting your life, consider getting help just as you would for any medical condition.

Guardian Health in partnership with Spring Health has a variety of resources to assist with personalized care plans and tools, free of cost to our employees. This includes, in app wellness exercises, therapy, coaching and more. 

Please visit https://benefits.springhealth.com/guardianbenefits/ to get started. 


Substance use disorder involves excessive and compulsive use of alcohol or drugs. It causes health problems and/or disability. It limits your ability to meet responsibilities at work, school or home. Substance use disorder is a disease, not a failure of will or weakness of character. It is also treatable and you can recover with proper care. 

Call the Substance Use Treatment Helpline at 1-855-780-5955 to speak with a licensed clinician as part of your health insurance coverage with United Healthcare. There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution, and an individualized treatment strategy by a licensed clinician can be the first step - usually within 24 hours. Licensed clinicians can also guide you to a treatment provider or treatment center in your covered network. Your benefit information is available on Liveandworkwell.com, under the "Claims and Coverage" section.

These are outside web pages and resources, not affiliated with Revolution and the benefits provided, nor do we know the validity of the sites. However, we did want to put these out there in case you wanted help through these resources in addition to the Employee Assistance Program.

Support groups for different situations


Chefs with Issues: Where restaurant workers discuss mental health concerns

Chefs with Issues is an online forum started by food and mental health writer, Kat Kinsman, dedicated to destigmatizing mental illness in the culinary industry and helping those affected by it get the help they otherwise can't (or won't).

CORE: Children of Restaurant Employees

CORE supports children of food and beverage service workers by helping them to navigate life-altering circumstances and hardships (e.g., family death, injury, medical diagnoses, loss of home, etc.). CORE is the nationally recognized community of support for all food and beverage service families in need by ensuring they feel cared for and valued.

NEWH: The Hospitality Industry Network

NEWH is the networking resource for the hospitality industry, providing scholarships, education, leadership development, recognition of excellence, and business development opportunities. NEWH provides meetings, educational programs, seminars and career opportunities for its members.