Armstrong High School Bands
Plymouth, MN
Marching Band 2020
We are doing our best to distance teach/learn and prepare for the summer/fall all at the same time. There are many variables for the summer & fall season (too many to get into right now), but the primary goal is to get students signed up for Marching Band so we can continue planning. Please complete the online Google Form and submit as soon as possible. Instrument and music distribution is to be determined and we will let you know just as soon as we can about that process. Dates will land in the AHS Band Calendar as they become solidified, but once again, there are still many variables. Thanks for your continued support and flexibility in these unprecedented times.
This website serves as sign-up location for Parent Volunteering and Student Fundraising throughout the year. We will inform parents and students of these ongoing opportunities during the year with announcements in class, group emails, SignUp emails, and our AHS Band Website (which you are reading right now). Please check these various locations frequently to stay up to date on the latest opportunities. You are asked to sign-in with an email address but you will not get spammed or receive junk mail from SignUp.
Click HERE to go to our Group Page on SignUp.
If you have any questions or difficulty with the website, please let us know.
If you see any errors or have any questions, please contact Colin Woelfle at
Robbinsdale Armstrong High School - District #281
10635 36th Ave N
Plymouth, MN 55441