Attendance Policy

I would like to take this opportunity to stress the importance of student attendance and highlight important components of the Board of Education’s attendance policy (#5131). I understand that illnesses and circumstances arise that cannot be avoided, and that there are times when children must miss school. However, over the past few years excessive absenteeism has become more of a problem and it has taken a toll on many of our children’s academic successes. When students are absent, everyone in the classroom is affected, not just those students who miss school. Teachers may have to take time away from lesson planning and delivery of instruction for all students in order to gather makeup work, administer make-up assessments, and catch-up students on important skills they missed. Schooling has changed and so have the types of learning experiences that we provide our students in classrooms today. It is very difficult to prepare make-up work to replace cooperative group activities, inquiry-based/discovery type experiences and “hands-on” math lessons to name a few. In addition, the student misses the instructional piece necessary to be successful with the “work”. It may be necessary for make-up work to be given upon return as opposed to in advance. It is very important for students to be in school whenever possible.

The main points of the Board approved attendance policy are outlined below:

  • The school year for New Jersey students is 180 days. Under the attendance policy, a student is required to be in school for 166 days in order to be considered to have successfully completed the instructional program requirements of the grade/course to which he/she is assigned.
  • Students who miss more than 14 days, regardless of the reason(s), will be considered excessively absent and subject to review by committee. This committee will review all days absent, all tardies and early dismissals, not just those over 14 in which a child has not been in school. It will be the joint decision of the committee as to whether or not a waiver will be acceptable for any of the absences, tardies and/or early dismissals.
  • Any absence, tardy or early dismissal without written documentation (date, child’s name, reason for absence, parent signature) will be considered unexcused. In addition, absences, tardies and early dismissals that are not covered on the list below regardless of whether or not a parent provides written documentation will not be excused.
  • By law in New Jersey, school districts are required to address non-excused absences on a timely basis. Specifically, districts are required to create corrective action plans for students who miss even one day unexcused from school.
  • The Board considers the following as cause for an excused absence:
          • Disabling illness
          • Recovery from an accident
          • Required court attendance with court documentation
          • Death in the family
          • Religious observance in accordance with the New Jersey statute of designated days
          • Such good cause as is acceptable by the principal
  • A student who is absent for more than three consecutive days shall be required to bring in a physician’s note to the office upon his/her return to school.
  • The Board also recognizes the following excuses as permissible when students arrive late to, or are dismissed early from school:
          • Medical or dental appointment with a physician’s note turned into the office upon returning to school
          • Medical disability
          • Court appearance with documentation from the courthouse
          • Such good cause as is acceptable to the principal

I would like to reiterate that my concern is for students who are excessively absent and/or miss school without good cause. Continue to refer to the health office guidelines to determine when to keep your child home for illness.

Also, please continue to contact the office if your child is going to be absent. The phone call or email lets us know that your child is safe. However, the phone call or email does not replace the signed parent note or physician’s note that must be submitted within three days upon the student’s return to school.

Thank you for working collaboratively with school staff to instill the value of attending school on a regular basis. If you have any questions regarding the attendance policy, please contact the school at 540-6200 x 7800.