Graduation Requirements/Grading/

Class Rank


In order to be graduated from Pennsville High School and receive a state-endorsed Pennsville Board of Education diploma, a student must:

The credits must include the following:

      and/or vocational-technical education 

9.  Two years of visual, performing and/or practical arts

10.  One semester of financial literacy

In order to be classified a sophomore (10th grade); a student must have accumulated 30 credits.  

In order to be classified a junior (11th grade), a student must have accumulated 60 credits. 

In order to be classified a senior (12th grade), a student must have accumulated 90 credits.  

GRADUATION PATHWAYS - Check out the various paths to earning a high school diploma HERE


Pennsville School district uses Power School as a real-time grade reporting program.  PMHS does not send home printed report cards or progress reports. We encourage students and parents to regularly check student progress using Power School.


We are under a numeric grading system.  This means grades are issued on the basis of 0 to 100.  A minimum grade of 70 is needed to pass any course. Grades can be equated to 92-100 A, 85-91 B, 78-84 C, 70-77 D. 

Please Refer to Board Policy Regulation 6147.1R


Extra Credit 

Zeroes, Cheating, Incompletes, and No Grades

Late work

Reassessment (Re-Test)


There will be no period of Mid-Term or Final Exams.  Comprehensive exams will now be in the form of benchmark and/or state assessments. These benchmarks and/or state assessments may take place during the assigned class period or at another pre-scheduled testing period.  All students eligible to take benchmark and/or state assessments will be required to participate in the testing event. No student will be afforded the opportunity to opt out of any benchmark or state assessment. 


A student being issued an incomplete, “I”, has ten school days to resolve the grade with the issuing teacher.  Students with incompletes on their report cards cannot be considered for the honor roll or extra-curricular eligibility.  Students are responsible for addressing incompletes.


Students who receive grades of 85 or better in all subject areas will be selected for the Honor Roll.  Students having a 92 or better in all subjects will be named to the All “A” Honor Roll. No student carrying an incomplete will be considered for the Honor Roll.

Class Rank

Sum of (Course Grade x Course Credits x Weight Factor) = 

Total Quality Points

Total Quality Points divided by Total Credits = GPA

GPA Formula:           Example Calculation:

Final Grade x Potential Credits x Weight Factor 90 x 5 x 1.08      97 Potential Credits        5         Weighted


Course Weighting Factors

Senior Honors

The following academic awards shall be honored: