Emergency Drills


Emergency drills (FIRE, LOCK-DOWN & SHELTER IN PLACE) are required at regular intervals and are an important safety precaution.

FIRE DRILL: It is critical that upon the first sound of the alarm, everyone obeys orders promptly and clears the building by the prescribed route as quickly as possible. The supervising teacher in each classroom will give students instructions as to the evacuation procedures. All windows and doors must be closed. Classes must stay together upon departure from the building – Attendance WILL be taken during all fire drills and evacuation procedures.

Emergency Procedures: LOCK-DOWN & SHELTER IN PLACE: When the announcement is made that the building will be going into “LOCK DOWN or SHELTER IN PLACE MODE.” ALL students are to immediately enter the nearest classroom and await further instructions. NO students are to exit any classroom until the school administration announces the end of the Emergency Situation.