Cell Phones/Earbuds/Headphones

Cell Phones/Earbuds/Headphones

  • Cell phones are not permitted in the classrooms. Each student has a Chromebook and is to use their Chromebook to complete all assignments. Cell phones are NOT TO BE VISIBLE at all in class. Cell phones must be on silent.

  • Students are not permitted to wear earbuds/headphones in the classroom. All earbuds/headphones MUST be out of sight.

**The only time students are allowed to have their phones out in class is if the teacher gives permission during independent work to listen to music or if a teacher assigns a “break” during class.


  • Administrative detentions will be assigned if a cell phone/headphone is visible in class (even if the phone is just out on the desk or checking the time, and/or even if the headphones are off).

  • If a cell phone is not on silent and goes off in a class a detention will be issued.

  • Refusal/defiant behavior will receive an administrative detention.